
Relay provides many configuration directives and the relay.ini file can be located by running:

php --ini

It’s recommend to at least adjust the relay.maxmemory and relay.eviction_policy directives. For peak performance in production the relay.locks.cache and relay.max_endpoint_dbs directives must be adjusted, see Performance section.

If you’re running a licensed binary, be sure to set the relay.key and relay.environment as well.

Memory limits

Relay will allocate what relay.maxmemory is set to when PHP starts, even if no relay.key is set. After 60 minutes of runtime (if no valid license was set), Relay will downsize the allocated memory to 16 MB.

Disabling the cache

Sometimes you may wish to install the Relay extension, but not have it allocate memory, either because you want to only use it as a faster alternative to PhpRedis, or to keep it dormant for future use.

To disable all in-memory caching and memory allocation relay.maxmemory can be set to 0.

Configuration directives

Directive Default Description
relay.key Relay license key. Without a license key Relay will throttle to 16MB memory one hour after startup. May also be set via RELAY_KEY environment variable.
relay.environment development The environment Relay is running in. Supported values: production, staging, testing, development
relay.maxmemory 16M How much memory Relay allocates on startup. This value can either be a number like 134217728 or a unit (e.g. 128M) like memory_limit. Relay will allocate at least 16M for overhead structures. Set to 0 to disable in-memory caching and use as client only.
relay.maxmemory_pct 95 At what percentage of used memory should Relay start evicting keys.
relay.eviction_policy noeviction How should relay evict keys. This has been designed to mirror Redis’ options. Supported values: noeviction, lru, and random
relay.eviction_sample_keys 128 How many keys should we scan each time we process evictions.
relay.databases 16 The number of databases Relay will create per in-memory cache. This setting should match the databases setting in your redis.conf.
relay.max_endpoint_dbs 32 The maximum number of PHP workers that will have their own in-memory cache. See Performance section.
relay.locks.allocator mutex Locking mechanism used for the allocator. Supported values: spinlock, mutex, adaptive-mutex
relay.locks.cache mutex Locking mechanism used for the in-memory cache (databases). Supported values: spinlock, mutex, adaptive-mutex
relay.default_pconnect 1 Default to using a persistent connection when calling connect().
relay.initial_readers 128 The number of epoch readers allocated on startup.
relay.invalidation_poll_freq 5 How often (in microseconds) Relay should proactively check the connection for invalidation messages from Redis.
relay.loglevel off Whether Relay should log debug information. Supported levels: debug, verbose, error, off
relay.logfile The path to the file in which information should be logged, if logging is enabled.
relay.cluster.seeds The list of cluster nodes addresses grouped by cluster name, which will be used to initialize each cluster, encoded as URL query string, e.g. cluster1[]=[]=
relay.cluster.auth The list of credentials for each cluster, encoded as URL query string. Password string or username/password pairs may be used, e.g. cluster1=secret&cluster2[]=username&cluster2[]=secret
relay.cluster.timeout The maximum number of seconds Relay will wait while establishing connection to a single cluster node.
relay.cluster.read_timeout The maximum number of seconds Relay will wait while reading from a cluster node.
relay.session.locking_enabled 0 Whether to enable session locking to avoid race conditions and keep session data consistent across requests.
relay.session.lock_expire 0 The number of seconds while Relay will try to acquire lock. When value is zero or negative max_execution_time will be used.
relay.session.lock_retries 0 The number of attempts Relay will try to acquire lock. If value is zero or negative 100 will be used to be compatible with PhpRedis.
relay.session.lock_wait_time 0 The number of microseconds Relay will wait between each attempt to acquire lock. If value is zero or negative 20000 will be used to be compatible with PhpRedis.
relay.session.compression none Compression algorithm used for session data. Supported values: lzf, lz4, zstd and none
relay.session.compression_level The used compression level. An empty value means the algorithm default compression level will be used.